
Introduction Plastic track is a popular choice for sports facilities due to its durability, low maintenance, and excellent performance. However, like any other sports facility, plastic tracks need to be regularly inspected and tested to ensure their safety and quality. In this article, we will discuss the various inspection and testing items that are involved in the retesting of plastic tracks. Surface Inspection The first step in the retesting of plastic tracks is to conduct a surface inspection. This involves checking the surface of the track for any visible cracks, holes, or other types of damage. The inspector will also check the surface for any signs of wear or tear, such as fading or discoloration. Any damage found during the surface inspection must be repaired before the track can be used again. Flatness Test After the surface inspection, the next step is to conduct a flatness test. This test is done to ensure that the track is level and that there are no bumps or dips in the surface. The flatness test is typically done using a laser level or other type of level. The inspector will check the entire surface of the track to ensure that it is level and that there are no bumps or dips that could cause injury to athletes. Force Reduction Test The force reduction test is a critical test that is done to ensure that the track provides adequate shock absorption. This test is done by dropping a weight onto the surface of the track and measuring the amount of force that is absorbed by the track. The force reduction test is typically done in several locations on the track to ensure that the entire surface is providing adequate shock absorption. Slip Resistance Test The slip resistance test is done to ensure that the track provides adequate traction for athletes. This test is typically done using a slip resistance meter, which measures the coefficient of friction between the surface of the track and a rubber pad. The inspector will test several locations on the track to ensure that the entire surface provides adequate traction. Dimensional Stability Test The dimensional stability test is done to ensure that the track maintains its shape and size over time. This test is typically done by measuring the length and width of the track at several locations and comparing the measurements to the original specifications. Any significant changes in the dimensions of the track could indicate that the track is no longer safe for use. Conclusion In conclusion, the retesting of plastic tracks is a critical process that ensures the safety and quality of the track. The various inspection and testing items discussed in this article must be conducted regularly to ensure that the track is in good condition and that it provides adequate shock absorption, traction, and dimensional stability. By following these guidelines, sports facilities can ensure that their plastic tracks are safe and reliable for athletes.